To complete the registration for the outtrip, please read through the trip information and complete the consent form found on this page.

Paddleboarding TRIP INFORMATION:

GRADE 11 OUTTRIPS: September 16, 17 & 18, 2024
GRADE 10 OUTTRIPS: October 1, 2 & 3, 2024

DESCRIPTION OF THE TRIP: This 3-day course is designed to introduce students to paddle boarding. During this introductory course the students and guides will paddle in relatively protected waters while they develop their paddling and water rescue skills.

Please note that this is a local day program and students will return home or to their boarding house each night.

TRIP PRE-REQUISITES: Students must be able to swim 25 metres.

GROUP EQUIPMENT: The guides will bring activity-specific equipment for the group. This will include paddleboards, paddles, PFDs, wetsuits and wetsuit boots. The guides will also bring emergency response equipment (emergency communication device, first aid kit…).

ELECTRONICS/PHONES: Students should not have electronics, cell phones or headphones/earbuds on the outtrip. Guides will collect all electronics/phones and return them at the end of the trip. Guides are not responsible for any damage to devices on the trip.

For photography, if a student would like to bring a dedicated camera (digital, analogue, or disposable), they may bring that with them during the activity.

PERSONAL EQUIPMENT: Students should dress for the weather and arrive with the following items in a small backpack (the student’s regular school backpack is perfect)

  • Raincoat/windproof jacket

  • Extra warm layers (fleece jacket, extra pants)

  • Baseball cap

  • Sunglasses

  • Sunscreen

  • Running shoes (on)

  • Lunch, snacks and full water bottle

  • Bathing suit (on)

  • Towel

  • Water shoes/wetsuit booties/ crocs (provided by OED)

  • Wetsuit (provided by OED)

MEALS/FOOD: Students should bring a full water bottle, snacks and a hearty lunch. A bag lunch will be provided for boarding students.

TRANSPORTATION: Students will be traveling to and from the activity by school bus.

DAILY ITINERARY: Note: This is a tentative schedule that may change due to weather, water conditions, etc.

tba: Pre-trip meeting during Community time in the Chapel

Day 1, 2 and 3: 8:45 AM. Meet guides at DERBY (the OED building at 3410 Shelbourne)

  • Gear distribution and equipment check by guides

  • Paddling activities

  • p/u and return to DERBY at 3:15 PM

STAFFING: SMUS hires outdoor guides to instruct this activity. The guide pool on the trip has a combination of First Aid Certification, SUP/Kayaking certification/instruction experience, Experience working in this location with similar groups.


STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: This is a school-sponsored outing and school rules will apply. Participants are expected to follow the guidelines set by the instructional staff. A failure to meet these guidelines or a failure to follow school rules may result in the participant being removed from the activity at their own expense. 

EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT: The Leader-in charge has immediate access to: An appropriate first aid kit, Cell phone or pre-established means to communicate with the school or emergency services, Emergency Call Plan, Student Medical Information

EMERGENCY MEDICINE: Students should not be self-administering ANY medication, even if it is part of their own regular routine, without discussing it first with the guides. Students with asthma, severe allergies and medical conditions should bring a clearly labelled set of the appropriate medication and discuss the treatment plan with the guides prior to the trip.

Consent Form:

Note: The following trip consent form must be completed by a parent/guardian